How To
Here are our latest blog posts from the “How To” category.
Get found the small business owners guide to search engine marketing
In a small business, it is imperative that you gain public awareness and market your brand to attract new customers (and retain current ones). It is also often the case, however, that resources are limited within small businesses. With less cash to spend, less staff...
9 Unique Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business
Imagine walking down a major New York City street and coming across a lifeguard. This lifeguard is perched atop a lifeguard stand overlooking passersby with no water in sight. This is a strange sight, but thanks to the genius minds behind the guerilla marketing...
10 Most Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Business
The ultimate list of effective marketing strategies for small business in an increasingly digital world. Learn the best marketing ideas for small business growth. This article is written by Kevin Namaky and first appeared on the Gurulocity marketing blog. There’s so...
10 Things Your Small Business Can Learn About Marketing from Apple
Building a universally loved brand without engaging in price wars against competitors is not easy. But one brand that has achieved this seemingly impossible feat is Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). Behind Apple’s phenomenal success lies its strong product portfolio and design...
5 Marketing Mistakes that Small Businesses Make
Marketing can sometimes prove to be a big challenge for small business owners and managers. That shouldn’t come as a surprise though – they are specialists, after all, but in a completely different field. This is exactly where Versum comes into play. For many years,...
27 Online Marketing Tactics For Small Business With Low Budgets
While there are plenty of Online Marketing antics can be found to suit your limited financial resources, here are top 27 tactics we managed to gather from Neil Patel’s blog and convert it into a cool infographic. Despite those cool facts highlighted, majority of...
11 Steps for a Successful Small Business Content Marketing Campaign
In a small business, it is imperative that you gain public awareness and market your brand to attract new customers (and retain current ones). It is also often the case, however, that resources are limited within small businesses. With less cash to spend, less staff...
Small Business: Measure your marketing so it will work • VR&C Marketing
Marketing should never be impulsive, it should be planned and strategic. If you make random unplanned marketing decisions you waste money. Worst of all you won’t be able to track whether your marketing effort is a good investment or a bad one. The reason why people...
Digital Marketing and Your Small Business: 9 Books to Spark Your Upgrade
Moving into the future, businesses need expertise in an ever-increasing array of marketing tools: email marketing, social media marketing, Google Ads, blogging, growth hacking, lead generation, SEO, SEM, etc. Understanding which tools and strategies to use to achieve...
4 Tips for Getting Your Small Business Products and Services in Front of Decision Makers
4 Tips for Getting Your Small Business Products and Services in Front of Decision Makers In Marketing, Small Business|By Chelsea Segal “ABC. Always be closing.” Even if you haven’t seen Alec Baldwin in the 1992 classic Glengarry Glen Ross, you’ve probably heard this...
Behavioral Marketing: A Closer Look at What Gets Consumers Clicking
In the past, marketing to consumers based on things like how many pages they visited on a site were rudimentary at best. They could tell you, in broad strokes, what a customer might be interested in — but they weren’t very specific. It was a lot like trying to guess...
11 Steps for a Successful Small Business Content Marketing Campaign
In a small business, it is imperative that you gain public awareness and market your brand to attract new customers (and retain current ones). It is also often the case, however, that resources are limited within small businesses. With less cash to spend, less staff...
Small Business: Measure your marketing so it will work • VR&C Marketing
Marketing should never be impulsive, it should be planned and strategic. If you make random unplanned marketing decisions you waste money. Worst of all you won’t be able to track whether your marketing effort is a good investment or a bad one. The reason why people...
Small Business Marketing and Website Optimization
How to Improve Your Small Business Marketing SEO helps small business marketing whether small or large companies. There is a lot you can do for your small or local business. Obviously, a lot you can do to achieve local marketing goals by yourself. Many of the relevant...
How To: Influencer Marketing As a Small Business Owner – The Mention Blog
Influencer marketing is a hot topic for everybody these days. Major businesses all over the world engage recognizable stars to help them promote their products. But what about the small business owners who don’t have the money to pay an agency to start an influencer...