When you register a domain name, the ICANN registration authority requires your registrar to submit your contact details to the WHOIS database.

WHOIS information includes your personal information like your name, email address, and address. After your listing appears in the WHOIS directory, anyone can check using a WHOIS search tool.

If you'd like to avoid having your personal information included in the WHOIS information for your domain, you can select "ID Protection" during the domain name registration process.

By using WHOIS you can look up when the domain name is registered, who the domain name is registered to, who is the domain name registrar, and more details.

Steps to use WHOIS to look up domain names?

You can access WHOIS from Domain Quokka by following these steps:

You can check the .com domain name details but sometimes it is quite hard to get WHOIS information for .uk, .nz, and .au. 

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