Website Built in a Day

Modern web development tools allow for the rapid creation of websites when in the hands of experienced website professionals.

Steve Doig of Webby Website Optimisation has over 10 years of experience in the design, development, and production of quality small business websites.

Steve recommends WordPress as a website platform.

  1. Using WordPress, Steve can have a basic plain website up with all of your webpages present, in 2 hours.
  2. In the next 2 hours, Steve can customise the web design of your website, providing a selection of professionally designed WordPress themes suited to your website objectives. Once you’ve selected your favourite theme, the theme is configured, and if necessary, customised and modified to further match your desired website look and feel.
  3. In the next 2 hours, Steve installs and configures the WordPress plugins required to extend WordPress to make your website function in the way it needs to. This might be WooCommerce, a specialised photo gallery plugin, a booking system, or others.
  4. In the last 2 hours, Steve will train you in how to operate your WordPress website.

Book a Website Built in a Day!

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