If you are looking forward to domain name renewal, you need to contact your domain name registrar or reseller. To determine your current registrar, you can look it up using the Domain Quokka WHOIS tool.

For your domain renewal, you can choose manual or auto-renewal.

The auto-renewal option is the best if you are thinking of using your domains for a longer time period. However, you can also set your renewal to manual so that you can perform renewals manually whenever required.

The simple process is to log in to your domain name service provider.

Look for the client area from the dashboard or menu area.

  1. Navigate to the domains section.
  2. Choose the desired domain.
  3. Click on the renew button within the registrar commands row to send a renewal request.
  4. After that, your domain will be renewed and the expiry date will be updated.

Note: Domain Quokka maintains the expiry and due dates for domain names.

To renew the domain automatically using Domain Quokka, follow these steps:

  1. In the domain name settings, you can check auto-renew on the payment section in the domain configuration section.
  2. It will be paid automatically when your domain is about to expire.

For domain name renewal in Australia, you can opt for Domain Quokka to choose an automatic or manual domain renewal process.


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