Q: Are underscore allowed for domain names?

No underscore is not allowed to be used for domain names in accordance with RFC 1035.

Q: What are the valid characters for a domain name?

You can use letters, digits, and hyphens for your domain name.

Q: Can you use hyphens in domain names?

Yes absolutely, you can use hyphens in domain names.

Q: Are domain name case sensitive?

The domain name is not case sensitive as you can type GOOGLE.COM or google.com, it works in both scenarios. Internet addresses are only case sensitive after the domain name.

Q: Can domain names have special characters?

No, you can just use digits, alphabets, or hyphens. Special characters are not allowed.

Q: Can domain names start with numbers?

Yes, you can absolutely choose domains that start with digits like 88example.com

Q: What is the domain name length limit?

A full domain name can have a maximum of 253 characters.

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