Are you wondering if domain names and trademarks are the same?
Well here is a guide that demonstrates the difference between trademark and domain name.
Trademark vs Domain Name
If we talk about a trademark, it identifies the brand name or services that can be essentially a brand name. To identify a particular source, a trademark must be something much more than a generic name for the product or service. For example, if we refer to “cell phones”, we are not necessarily talking about the product source. But, if we refer to it as “Apple” it identifies as a particular brand. The trademarks that receive the most legal protection are those which are not descriptive at all.
Domain Name
On the other hand, a domain name is basically an address on the internet. Computers find websites by a series of numbers known as an IP address. To make this process easier, the IP address is translated into a domain name so that it can be remembered easily. The best and valuable domain names are quite descriptive and easy to remember. For example, you can use if you have a truck selling business.
You can use a domain name as your trademark after registering it as a trademark, as long as the domain is used in such a way to identify the services or products source.