Almost all of us are well aware of the domain extension .com that is used for companies or commercial purposes. It is also one of the most recognized TLD on the web.

Many people in Australia recognize as it represents Australian companies.

But, there are a huge list of domain name extensions available that represent different purposes like .edu for education, .org for organizations, etc. 

What are domain name extensions?

Domain name extensions are the last part of a domain name. For example, in, .com is a domain name extension.

How many domain name extensions are there?

There are almost 280 different domain extensions that are used globally.

How many types of domain names?

There are multiple domain names options are available, but the most common ones are:

  • .com – commercial business (the most common TLD)
  • .org – organizations (typically, nonprofit)
  • .gov – government agencies.
  • .edu – educational institutions.
  • .net – network organizations.

What are domain name extensions available?

At Domain Quokka you can look for multiple domain name suggestions for your business. Here is the list of generic domain extensions offered by Domain Quokka:

.academy .credit .healthcare .recipes
.accountant .credit card .help .red
.accountants .cricket .hiphop .rehab
.actor .cruises .hockey .rent
.agency .cyou .holdings .rentals
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.blue .eco .life .solutions
.boats .education .lighting .space
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.build .energy .link .stream
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.business .engineering .live .study
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.cards .fail .management .tax
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.guru .guitars .realestate .zone

Feel free to register any of them according to your business type. 

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