Google collects information about every page on the web so people can locate what they need. If you’re a website owner then search results matter and you need higher rankings to get found. Make sure your website has the right ingredients to rank higher by using search engine optimisation (SEO).
Research keywords
Tools like Google AdWords’ Keyword planner can give you suggestions as to what the primary keyword focus should be and indicate popular and competitive keywords.
Google Trends helps you analyse and gather more keywords to gauge interest by time and region. You can analyse the popularity of a keyword with trending data, get a quick snapshot of popular news headlines over time and even see related searches for more keyword ideas.
Optimise your web page content and titles
Ask yourself some key questions to guide the content you write – what are some of the most common words and phrases your customers use to describe your industry, product or service? And what content is going to reach the largest, most relevant audience for your website?
Once you know these words and phrases, enter them into your webpage Titles and Headings. Without this step, 90% of your effort will be wasted.
Title tags determine the relevancy of the page. It ideally should be a succinct, accurate description of the content of that page. Place relevant keywords close to the front and stick to a suitable 70 character limit. You can see the title tag on the headline of your article.
Write great content in line with some principles
SEO copywriting involves writing content that encourages search engines to send you the most valuable traffic, and encourages readers to share and link back to it. The copy contains relevant keywords, but is also highly readable by humans, to ensure human visitors do not leave the web page early, which is a signal to search engines that the web page is not relevant.
You should even optimise your images
That’s right, Google can’t understand what your images are about, so include keywords in the image file name and Alt & Title tags for search engines. Image captions allow for the image to rank for the more relevant terms by sending stronger relevancy signals.
Attract more visitors with Meta Description tag
A Meta Description Tag exists as a short description of a page’s content and Google doesn’t actually use this tag for determining rankings. But it does engage your readers when it appears in the moment when they’re deciding to click on your site.
Understand Heading tags
Headings are pieces of HTML code that help you make particular words stand out on a page. H1 headings are the most important where they provide a clear description of the page. You should include keywords where possible in your headings.
Title and Meta Description explained
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